USS Arizona Memorial
Remembering Pearl Harbor

Having recently visited the Hawaiian islands, there was one place that i wanted to see and pay respect to the thousands that lost their lives on that day.

Being on the memorial and seeing parts of the USS Arizona underneath the water brings a realism to the horrific effects of war in the world.

The memorial is built over the sunken ship and does not touch the ship anywhere. Parts of the ship are exposed during the lower tides.

The memorial had a serene and calmness to it as you stand there and try to take in the happenings on that fateful day.

In Pearl Harbor you see many markers indicating the ship that was sunk.

Next to where you board to take the boat out to the Arizona Memorial is a museum with models, photos and information on Pearl Harbor.

Next to the Memorial is the USS Bowfin that you can board and take tours of as well.

I have visited many places in the world that show the horrific effects that war and man has on this earth. From Pearl Harbor to the Killing Fields in Cambodia, lets all hope one day that we can all live in peace! AMEN!